Monday, March 7, 2011

A stroke of rough, raggedy genius

I've had post ideas building up over the weekend while I got a ton of things done. Mom has cupcake transporting boxes! I sorted out my thoughts on wedding makeup and got prepped for that hot mess! I dipped into the wedding fund and bought the materials to make a card box! I found gorgeous $3 dusty pink fabric at WalMart and it makes even more gorgeous flowers!
But noooo.... instead of blogging like a fiend all weekend, I just cleaned the kitchen and did four loads of laundry. However, that was a worthy accomplisment that needed accomplishing before I ran out of panties.

But -- while I'm sitting here at the library wondering where the battery charger is for our camera so I can get crackin' with some pics and blogging later this week, I started working with my budget outline some more and filling in the gaps that had been big ol' "       "s in the spreadsheet until now. Maybe it's because I'm in a better mood, but I'm definitely feeling more up about what I can accomplish with a little creativity and savvy choices of materials.

One of those savvy choices has been that I've planned to get some burlap from the local tractor supply company to make runners with to jazz up the tables. As I was Googling average prices per yard on the stuff (I'm putting $6/yard in the budget as the maximum price but I see it cheaper), I threw a random "wedding" into my search and started seeing all kinds of awesome ways that you can use burlap in weddings. I could go burlap crazy if I wanted! I don't want to use it so much that it looks like we're getting married inside a huge potato sack, but I saw something that really caught my eye:

From Cap Classique
Dah!!! I'd been trying to think of some kind of bunting option because there are wonderfully placed sconce lights on the walls in the fellowship hall at HCC and they're just begging to be used for hanging stuff. I might just be able to use burlap scraps from the runners (or buy a little extra for not that much money) for a look I love.
If we were able to hang stuff from the ceiling (which would be too much work to pull off), I would soooo be trying to do this:

From Inspired By This
 ... which I could still hang from the wall sconces, but I'm not sure if it would look that great (and I wouldn't know how to hide the cords!). This is a design question that needs the input of a Mom, but I got excited and wanted to go all bloggy with it first.

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