Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On the intarwebz

As much opportunity as I had to learn them there fancy web-creation skills at SILS, I decided to go the "easy template wedding website" route. I feel a little like I'm wussing out because a secret part of me has always wanted to be able to make kickass websites, but that part got left behind soon after the days of fancy flashing gifs and Geocities (to my middle-school-aged credit, I refrained from most flashing gifs and made stuff that looked as tasteful as something created by an 8th-grader could look. Black and purple all the way, baby... with stars... the theme, it holds together and is not overwhelming!).
So, to keep a "wedsite" *snork* from looking like 8th-grade me made it, I went with a free pre-designed option. I looked at a couple of different services - TheKnot's free ones, and - but their template choices didn't hold a candle to the ones over at
For a while, I couldn't decide which template to go with because there were SO many awesome ones. One of the great parts about is the way that they partner with other services -- everything from Offbeat Bride to Christian fiction author Karen Kingsbury to Green Bride Guide. There seriously is something for everybody.
Even me!
Yep... finding out that they've partnered with Minted, the company that makes the awesome invites, miiiiight have just made everything feel like awesome cosmic alignment.
I don't have everything juuuuust the way I want it yet, but close enough that I'm ready to post it here :) Hooray!

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