Monday, February 28, 2011

Wheat and (DIY) cold feet

This morning, I came down with a serious case of DIY cold feet -- specifically when it comes to my fabric flowers. I hadn't worked on them in a long while, and the last time I tried to make a new kind of flower, I had a massive fail. I didn't even take pictures, it was sooo bad.  So I didn't have the greatest levels of confidence when I started trying to finish up the white flowers this morning (I have them all cut out and just need to singe them and stitch 'em together -- but I haven't done anything with my brown fabrics yet).
About half an hour into the venture, everything seemed to start going wrong. I had serious doubts about how the finished product would look whizzing through my mind, it seemed to be taking soooo long, and I started realizing how little time I'd been taking to work on them.
Are they worth it? I'm still trying to figure that out. I'm not making any hasty decisions about axe-ing them yet.

Don't be hasty.
But my backup plan is starting to look really enticing. What is it?

Wheat bouquets!
Seeing wheat bouquets was what got me interested in using wheat in our decorations to begin with, and I can't help but think they'd be soooooooo much easier than the fabric flowers. Just order up a giant box of wheat and some ribbon and pins and thereyougo.
Wheat, stop tempting me!

1 comment:

  1. Aww don't give up on the flowers :) I am sure they aren't nearly as bad as you say.
